Saturday, January 26, 2013

I'm Your Biggest Fan

Ladies, I know that it takes a lot of work to look good in the morning, but here is a beauty tip that you might consider. And yes, it involves a fan. 
Have you ever thought about how much energy your hair dryer uses? Producing heat takes a lot of electricity. Granted you might not run it for too long, but still it is an underestimated appliance. So what does this picture of this fan have to do with anything? If you're just looking for your hair to be dry, and not necessarily a styled masterpiece, consider using a regular fan to dry your hair. The fan is only spinning, not producing heat, so it requires less electricity. You might feel kind of funny doing this, but give it a try!
Of course, the most eco-friendly way to dry you hair is to simply expose it to elements and let it dry on its own. This method requires no electricity and works great! If you're not so into letting your hair go au natural then simply try to cut down on the amount of time your spend drying your hair each day or the number of days a week that you dry your hair. 
Good luck!

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