So I was on vacation with my mom last week, and we got a rental car. I unfortunately did not take a picture of said rental car, so for the sake of this post let us pretend that the car pictured above is our rental car. Why is this rental car significant? Because we drove it from the airport to the hotel, and then back to the airport from the hotel. We did not drive it, idle it, sit in it, or even look at it for the 3 days in between. We went shopping one morning, out to eat one night, and to the grocery store one afternoon. Each of these places was a little bit far away from our hotel, but we made the decision to walk there. We got some exercise, some sun, and we saved ourselves from burning unnecessary gas. One afternoon we wanted to go further, but again instead of driving the car we rented bikes. Every mile driven in a car produces almost a pound of carbon dioxide. So by choosing to walk instead of drive we saved several pounds of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere. Plus it was very nice to take a vacation from driving. So when you could either walk or drive, choose to walk. Just because you have a car doesn't mean that you have to use it. Every mile counts.
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