Saturday, February 23, 2013

Terracycle Brigade

My friend and I decided to start a Terracycle Brigade project at our school. Terracycle is a company that specializes in "upcycling" where they take people's trash that gets sent in to them and they turn it into practical, usable products such as tote bags, park benches, umbrellas, and notebooks. They host brigades to get people to collect a lot of one specific kind of trash to send in to Terracycle, and then the collectors get money to donate to a charity or school of choice for sending in their trash. 
So at the beginning of the year my friend and I started collecting energy bar wrappers.  We planned to set up boxes around our school and collect wrappers that way. However we have been busy and haven't gotten around to doing that yet. Instead, in the mean time we decided to just collect wrappers from ourselves, our friends, and our sports teams. Just from that alone we have probably collected close to 2 pounds of wrappers! If we can get a collection going in our school I can't imagine how many we could collect. So my advice to you is to try and start one of your own collection projects. Whether you want to make it large scale, or just between you and some friends, you will be preventing trash from ever entering a landfill...and I think that that is pretty cool. Log on to and check it out. It is entirely free for you to sign up and ship your collection in, and they provide all kinds of helpful hints and flyers to help you with your brigade. Happy collecting!

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