Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Coffee & Plates

If you frequent Starbucks or any other coffee shop a lot I am sure that you've gotten something to eat there while you study or work. Usually it is given to you in a paper bag. But, if you're staying in the store then you really don't need the bag. I was in Starbucks the other day and ordered banana bread. I was working at a table that was just a few feet from the counter, so the bread was literally in the bag for no more than a minute before I took it out. The bag was really not used. Instead, ask for your order "for here" or "on a plate"... whatever it takes. They should give you a ceramic, reusable plate that will serve its purpose much better than the bag. Unfortunately, despite my request, I still received this bag. I assume there was just a miscommunication, because I have seen it done before. Keep trying!

1 comment:

  1. For other restaurants, if you have the choice of takeout or eating in, eat in the restaurant to reduce the waste produced by the takeout containers!
