Lately I have seen some Ziploc bags that say they are "eco-friendly" because they're smaller or can change sizes or are made of different plastic or whatever. But I don't believe this for a second. In my opinion, there is no such thing as an eco-friendly plastic bag. We are trained to fill them up, eat what is in them, and then throw them out. Even when I swear that I will reuse the bag, that never really happens. The only eco-friendly bag is no bag at all, but a reusable container. They even come in small snack sizes, just for this reason. I decided to give up on bags entirely. It isn't necessary that I put my pretzels and crackers and nuts in a dumb bag. Just use a little container! They sell them anywhere and everywhere in all sizes so look into it! I know so many people at school who use and throw out bags daily.
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