Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is it a Container, or Something More?

So you can look at a diaper box or frosting container and think, "That's just a ____ container". But what if it was more than that? The plastic containers that we get at the grocery store are often so reusable, we just don't think of them that way. Yogurt cups, frosting containers, peanut butter jars, butter tubs, mayonnaise jars, diaper/wipes boxes, dried fruit & nut containers...the options are endless! Those could all be easily washed and reinvented as pencil cases, workshop part containers, toy containers...you could organize your basement or kids bedroom entirely with old food containers. This is idea seems so obvious to me now, but I never thought of it before because I never opened my mind to the possibilities. If we don't think creatively and practically about the things around us then we will never see them as anything other than what we are told they should be. So next time you clean out the refrigerator or want to organize your shelves, think about what you really have at your disposal...and save some waste, energy, and money in the process.