Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tear It Out

I used to buy packets of new paper to fill my school binders with, but then I discovered a plentiful source of paper right at my house. Between my brother and I we have purchased many notebooks for school. However, we don't always get to the end of those notebooks. We didn't really know what to do with them so they have sat around our bookshelves for a little bit. However, I realized that the paper inside the notebooks is exactly the same as the paper that you buy in packets. Once again: save yourself the trip and the money! Just tear out the paper (carefully of course) from the back of your old notebooks and use them in your binder. I get bored doing a ton a once, so just tear it out as your need it if you're like me. It might sound annoying but it is good and it works. You avoid wasting paper and money.

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