Thursday, July 19, 2012

Boxes: Highly functional

My family does a decent amount of online shopping, as I'm sure a lot of families do. And, a lot of online shopping means a lot of cardboard boxes. But wait, don't tear them up for recycling right away! You can save and reuse that box! Boxes can be used for so many different things. Save some for when you need to ship something, and avoid a trip to the UPS store to buy one. Save some for storage, you can keep wrapping paper, holiday decorations, clothes, shoes, books...virtually anything in them. Save them for Christmas or birthdays or any time you give gifts: need to put those presents in something! Save them for when you need to bring food over to your aunts cookout. Save them for when you move. Save them for your kids to make forts, castles, and TV's out of, (I know I loved to do that when I was younger). Or, cut them up but then find uses for those pieces, like crafts or protecting the floor from paint, protecting the table from your kid, or whatever!
The possibilities for a good cardboard box are endless! And hey, you paid an arm and a leg for shipping right? So you might as well make something of it!

1 comment:

  1. taking a casserole to your aunts house.... I like that one!
