Friday, July 20, 2012

Just Say No

I'm sure you've heard it before, but just in case: stop using bottled water!!! If you bring a Poland Springs or Aquafina water bottle to school every day, you're using 180 water bottles per year, and 2,340 throughout your whole school career. That's a lot! Just use a reusable water bottle, and you'll probably use it for the next few years. If you don't like tap water, just install a water filter in your kitchen, and it will taste just like the bottled water. And for refilling on the go, I believe there are even water bottles with their own filters installed inside! So no worries, free, clean water will be at your finger tips wherever you go! They come in all shapes and sizes, so there will be one out there just for you. I use them all the time and I love them.  They even encourage me to drink more water throughout the day, which leads to a healthier me.

Cool fact: If you drink Gatorade during sporting events, I have good news. Gatorade makes drink powder that you can add to your reusable water bottle, so there's no more need to by Gatorade bottles all the time. It tastes just like the stuff you get in the bottles, and you can find it anywhere sports drinks are sold.
Cooler fact: Some places are beginning to ban bottled water. UVM was the first college campus to go water bottle free, and many others across the country are following suit. The Grand Canyon has banned bottled water due to a littering problem impeding on the beauty of the landmark. Our own CONCORD MASS was the first town in America to ban bottled water sales.
Cool but scary fact: one plastic water bottle will stay in a landfill for 400+ years

Check out this cool blog about bottled water: (they talk about colleges and Concord too, and much much more)

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