Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Breath of Fresh Air

Believe it or not, indoor air quality can be much poorer than outdoor air quality. Yes, there's pollution indoors too! Indoor plants help to keep the air clean by filtering out volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Anything green is good, but here's a list of plants that work particularly well:
  1. Aloe Vera (Easy to grow, absorbs byproducts of cleaning products and paint)
  2. Spider plant (Resilient, filters formaldehyde and carbon monoxide)
  3. Gerber Daisy (Bright flowers, eliminates chemicals from dry cleaning and ink)
  4. Snake plant (Does best in bathroom, filters formaldehyde from cleaning products)
  5. Golden Pothos (Fast growing, very green, good for hanging in garage, doesn't need light)
  6. Chrysanthemum (Bright flowers, filters benzene, good in office or living room window)
  7. Red Edged Dracaena  (Filters pollutants from lacquers and varnishes)
  8. Weeping Fig (Tricky but long lasting, filters pollutants from carpeting and furniture)
  9. Azalea (Does well in cool temperatures, good for improving air quality in basement)
  10. English Ivy (Pictured above)
 There's many many more plants that would be great options, but I will leave you with those 10 to think about. Enjoy brightening up your home!

NOTE: The night of this post I went to the grocery store and happened to find a Dracaena. I bought one for my room, and it became my first official plant. It brightens up my bookshelf a little, and is totally easy to take care of. I love having some plants around.

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