Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Ever wonder how environmentally friendly the things in your house are? There's an app for that! It's called GoodGuide. It scans the barcode on the item and then rates it on a scale of 1-10 on how healthy it is for the environment, for you, and for its workers. It seems a little rough around the edges, and it's not always perfect, but its definitely entertaining and interesting. The highest ranked item that I have found so far was a surprise: Scrubbing Bubbles got over an 8. Most items are surprisingly low. The worst item I found was my Revlon cream eyeshadow which got around a 2. The app also gives an explanation for the rating. It's usually pretty brief, but it's helpful for pinpointing dangerous ingredients. I've learned to be more weary and to think differently about what I purchase. Dangerous chemicals and pollutants can be anywhere!

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