Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gimme 5

Do you ever pay attention to the numbers inside the recycling symbol on plastic containers? I know that I don't. But, did you know that some kinds of plastics are not accepted by all towns? So, you could be putting your yogurt cup into the curbside recycling, but that cup does not really get recycled. That's kind of a shocker, isn't it? So pay attention to what kinds of plastics your town accepts. There's many different kinds, all distinguished by a different number. Many towns do not accept #5, the kind of plastic used for many yogurt cups and other containers. They usually just do not have the funding for it. Instead, the plastic will be mixed with other low quality plastics and shaped into a bale that is not very useful and is often shipped over seas for some unknown use. Luckily, my town does recycle #5 (because I certainly eat a lot of yogurt), but for those who do not there is something called Preserve: Gimme 5. It is a collection service for #5 plastic. It recycles the plastic into useful things such as toothbrushes and razors. If there is not a collection box near you (my local one is at Whole Foods) you can also mail in your plastic. Sending in your plastic will prevent it from ending up in a landfill, and it will also keep the recycling process more local (not overseas). You'll also be saving energy and resources. Preserve plastic uses 48% less coal, 46% less energy, 75% less oil, and 54% less water to produce, and it produces 64% fewer greenhouse gases. Those are quite the numbers! Woohoo!

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